Thursday, August 29, 2013


Today I am going to the dentist and ballet I love ballet it is cool 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

14.08. 2013

Yesterday I went to ballet and swimming in Feilding I liked doing the dance My partner and I made lots of cool shapes.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Last night at tea my tooth nearly came out and I have two wriggly teeth.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013



Today I would like to talk to you about what butterflies do and how butterflies help the world.

What would our world be like without butterflies?

Is a butterfly’s job just to flit around and look beautiful?

No a butterfly’s job is to visit flowers.  Their tiny feet collect pollen from one plant and then they flutter all about to the next flower. The pollen drops onto the flower and helps the plants to make seeds. so we can have veggies and fruit.

If plants can’t make seeds, then there won’t be any food and plants for us.  That’s not a good thought.

Did you know that the lifecycle of a butterfly goes….Egg caterpillar, chrysalis and then beautiful butterfly? Isn't that incredible!

Hungry Caterpillar eat leaves sometimes this is bad, but most of the time it is a good thing.
When caterpillars eat weeds then that is very good.  It leaves room for grass to grow and then the cows can eat the grass and make milk. When the calves come the grass helps the cows to make milk so that the calves can be healthy and strong.

So please do not spray good insects so can do their pollinating job!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Last night Charlotte we saw Bartly's sisters and brother. They are really cute. Bartly is my dog. They were on the computer.