MY Goals
Is to ski down the Giant achieved.
To ski down the top next year Goal achieved.
To Parallel ski achieved.
Mum comes and wakes me up I get up right away and slowly make my way down to the living room to have my breakfast I have french toast and a smoothie I feel like a zombie. Have to have my french toast in the car. We start driving to the Sandbrooks house on the way we see our cow shed lights shining mum says you don't get to see that every day. We keep driving on till we get to them . I am so excited but tired we get there and I slowly get in from my car to the Sandbrooks. We drive for one hour and have a stop at Oukin. Now we all pile in the car and head up to the Mountain we drive for half an hour or so we get there yay so we get all our stuff and head up to get the the place we are getting are skis and the boots. I can't wait to get up there. First I go for a ski down the learners one and do that a few times then it's time for a lesson. In my group was Hannah, Brooke, Dylan,James, Johnny and me our teacher is called Donna. Donna was great first she sees what stage we are at then we head up to Movenpick and we learn a lot of new strategies like when we break bring your skis together and more like what's your favorite juice we had to squeeze your legs my favorite is orange juice. we skied all the way down to the bottom. Then we have some food Dylan James and Johnny and I are going up to Movenpick we go up to the chair lift and zoom down to the bottom then we do the same like 3 time the we go up the Giant then we go agian and agian we look at the chair lift that goes to the tippy top it's got black leather padding and ski racks. Then we all agree that we should all go up there so we ask Blair to take us and he says yes so we all relax in our seat I went with Dylan Johnny and me when we go through the poles that hold the lifts up we have some massages and more but then sadly we have to get of and ski to the bottom and then we race up again to the lifts and do it all again this time we go a different way and it is harder I get half way and and stumble down then I get up and try again now we have to use are parallel skiing a lot it is fun but at the same time challenging we do that two more times the last I do a jump but don't land so I do a roly poly down the hill and then get up with a sore ankle but I still can ski I do some nice wide turns but went to wide and went backwards and then I decided to go forward and now we ski to the cafe to get ready to go home. Now we are back on the road the whole school goes to Mcdonalds. On the way back to the Sandbrooks James Kirsten and I played on tablets then we pulled up outside the Chocolate eclair shop and got some ice creams and gum yum yum. Then on the way home we see a tractor slowly going up the hill.The whole school goes to Mcdonalds.
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